Monthly Archives: August 2022


9/11心泉音樂策劃《遇見祢 · 在樂中 - 讚美、默想、敬拜》邀請在人生旅途中前行的你,無論是正在經歷悲歡,或是失落傷痛,在此音樂角落停留,願心中的詩歌,神不變的愛激勵你、安慰你、祝福你,與你相伴直到永久。 Friday. Sept 11, 2022 1:30pm - 2:30ppm EFCLA English Chapel/ Harvest LA FNF 9537 Telstar Ave., El Monte, CA 91731


Thriving as Gen Z – Part 2

What does it actually mean to thrive as Gen Z in the 21st century?  Professional certified life coach and fellow Gen Z-er Raye Cheng combine biblical principles with purpose and mindfulness science to present a more holistic picture of thriving. For young adults seeking purposeful lives, discover new perspectives and practical applications to create [...]

Thriving as Gen Z – Part 22022-08-12T22:54:00-07:00
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