我們的起源 Our Origin: 心泉為私人非營利事業組織,成立於2009年七月,是由一群在大洛杉磯地區的心理健康專業人士及基督徒諮詢輔導人員所組成的團隊。Heart Keeper, Inc. is a private, 501c(3) non-profit organization established in July 2009 by Christian mental health professionals and lay-counselors in the Greater Los Angeles Area.
我們的使命 Our Mission: 我們的使命是要提升社區對心理健康的意識與了解,以幫助個人成長為前提,進而建立健康的人際關係,並促進幸福的婚姻、家庭和親子生活。心泉是著重於預防導向的服務,透過社區講座來宣導心理健康方面的資訊,並根據不同團體的需求,提供專題講座和培訓工作坊。 Our mission is to bring mental health awareness and understanding to the communities and promote healthy interpersonal relationships among couples and families. The focus of Heart Keeper, Inc.’s services is prevention-oriented: we provide mental health education through seminars and deliver specific training workshops based on different needs.
我們的團隊 Our Team: 我們的團隊包括:臨床心理學家,婚姻家庭治療師,社工師以及具有婚前輔導、婚姻關係、和親子教育專長的諮詢輔導人員。Our team consists of clinical psychologists, marriage and family therapists, social workers, and lay-counselors who are specialized in premarital, marital, and parent-child issues.