心泉目前所提供的服務包括 Currently the services Heart Keeper, Inc. provides are

講座與研討會 Seminar and training workshops


Heart Keeper, Inc. provides seminars and workshops on varies topics. Depends on the size of your group and special concerns, we can design the content to meet your specific needs.

目前涵蓋的主題有 The topics have been covered are:

  • 情緒管理 Emotion Regulation
  • 怒氣管理 Anger Management
  • 壓力管理 Stress Management
  • 溝通技巧 Communication Skills
  • 人生季節 Seasons of Life
  • 健康婚戀 Healthy Dating and Marriage
  • 親職教育 Parenting Education
  • 認識青少年 Knowing Adolescents
  • 親密之旅 Journey to Intimacy
  • 教牧須知 Church and Ministry Care

婚前協談 Premarital counseling

心泉為準備進入婚姻關係的情侶提供婚前諮詢服務。通過完成FOCCUS(輔開思)或Prepare/Enrich (婚前/婚後) 的婚前檢測問卷和我們的婚前協談員的引導,幫助婚前情侶開啟溝通、了解與學習。這是專為情侶們增加對自我,以及對彼此間關係的認識而設計。幫助情侶們在婚前指出需要面對或更深入探討的課題,預備他們迎接這個新的生活階段可能面臨的一些新的挑戰,提升他們建立良好新關係的優勢。

Heart Keeper, Inc. provides premarital counseling to people who are ready to enter into the marital relationship. Through completing FOCCUS Inventory or Prepare/Enrich Assessment and the help of our counselor, the couple can celebrate the strengths they are bringing into this new relationship and understand some possible challenges they might face in this new stage of their lives.


If you want to learn more about FOCCUS Inventory, please click the link: http://www.foccusinc.com/


If you want to learn more about Prepare/Enrich Assessment, please click the link: https://www.prepare-enrich.com/


資源轉介 Referrals Services

心泉可以為需要尋求一對一諮詢,婚姻治療,家庭治療或其它心理健康服務的人等提供轉介服務。 如果您有任何有關心理健康方面的問題,並想知道應該採取什麼行動和步驟,歡迎與心泉聯繫,我們非常願意協助您找到合適您的幫助。

Heart Keeper, Inc. provides referral services to those who seek one-on-one counseling, marital therapy, family therapy, and other mental health services. If you have any mental health issues and would like to know what steps to take, please feel free to contact Heart Keeper, Inc. and we are more than willing to assist you in finding the proper care you need.