緊急電話號碼 Emergency Phone Numbers
如果您有某些緊急需求,這些免付費電話號碼可供您參考If you have some emergency situation, here are some toll-free numbers for your reference.
- 洛杉磯縣心理健康部Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
24 小時幫助熱線Access Center 24/7 Helpline 1-800-854-7771 - 洛杉磯縣兒童和家庭服務部Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services
虐待兒童24小時舉報專線Child Abuse 24/7 Hotline 1-800-540-4000 - 成人保護服務及虐待老人熱線Adult Protective Services and Elder Abuse Hotline
1-877-477-3646 - 洛杉磯縣檢察廳家庭暴力熱線 Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-978-3600
- 自殺預防中心24小時專線Suicide Prevention Center 24/7 Hotline 1-877-727-4747
- 國家自殺預防24小時生命線National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/7 1-800-273-8255
其它資源 Additional Resources
If you want more information about mental health, here are some resources for your reference. Please click here:
- 傳愛關懷中心Agape Caring Center http://www.agapecaringcenter.org
- 宇宙光全人關懷網 Cosmic Light Holistic Care http://www.cosmiccare.org
- 國際真愛家庭協會 Family Keepers International http://www.familykeeperss.org
- 基督教角聲佈道團 Chinese Christian Herald Crusades http://www.cchcla.org
- 基督教角聲家庭中心 Herald Family Center http://heraldfamilycenter.org
- 國際親密之旅 Journey to Intimacy International https://www.journeytointimacyinternational.org
- 愛家協會 http://www.focf.org
- 家庭更新協會 https://www.cffc.org
- 好牧者心理諮詢中心 Asian American Christian Counseling Service, AACCS http://aaccs.org/ (626) 457-2900 or (800) 970-1112
- 亞太家庭服務中心 Asian Pacific Family Center http://www.pacificclinics.org